We've put our heart and soul into GOZO

We love chocolate, we’ve taken all we’ve learned about making chocolate and poured it into GOZO. It’s a labour of love and we’re so proud.

Bringing joy is in our nature

We want to bring joy through being generous and create a world where true aroma awakens true joy. A world where your taste buds wake for the first time to pure and undiminished Cacao Fino de Aroma. Single origin cocoa at its finest. With enticingly unique flavour notes, discover the delicious, indulgence of GOZO chocolate. 

What makes Gozo exceptional? Just 8% of the worlds cocoa bean supply is classified as Cacao Fino de Aroma, characterised by its fruity, flowery and nutty notes, with a luxurious melt in the mouth.

GOZO chocolate preserves all its natural splendour; not stripped of its cocoa butter content, so all of that delicious flavour is packed in, preserved and indicative of its Colombian origins.

< Find out more about Gozo