We've put our heart and soul into GOZO

We love chocolate, we’ve taken all we’ve learned about making chocolate and poured it into GOZO. It’s a labour of love and we’re so proud.

In proud partnership with Luker Chocolate, Colombia

GOZO chocolate is grown by farmers, not farms. Is focused on quality, not quantity. Their 100-year-old heritage has been spent working exclusively with Cacao Fino De Aroma and has provided Luker with a wealth of experience in determining and maintaining a quality flavour profile.

GOZO chocolate is made with true single-origin, classified Cacoa Fino de Aroma from family owned Luker Chocolate, Colombia. .... Only 8% of the worlds chocolate supply can claim their cocoa tastes this good!

Their 100-year-old heritage has been spent working exclusively with Cacao Fino De Aroma and has provided Luker with a wealth of experience in determining and maintaining a quality flavour profile.

Working in partnership with Luker means we can contribute to their collaborative plan to transform the chocolate value chain from its origin. Through supporting small farmers to ensure they receive a fair price and education to deliver sustainable farming practices, strengthening the social wellbeing of local communities and maintaining an environmental balance in cocoa growing communities.

Luker work alongside partners, like GOZO, to fund and carry out life changing projects such as building classrooms to improve access to education, running training programmes in entrepreneurship, creating access to safe drinking water in villages and promoting environmental awareness to generate more sustainable communities. Through buying GOZO you are actively supporting to keep these projects alive and making the 'Chocolate Dream' a reality.

This isn't just paying lip service or a fancy tag line.

Buying GOZO is an act of generosity. Generous with people and planet.

< Find out more about Gozo