We've put our heart and soul into GOZO

We love chocolate, we’ve taken all we’ve learned about making chocolate and poured it into GOZO. It’s a labour of love and we’re so proud.


In proud partnership with Luker Chocolate, Colombia

GOZO chocolate is grown by farmers, not farms. Is focused on quality, not quantity. Their 100-year-old heritage has been spent working exclusively with Cacao Fino De Aroma and has provided Luker with a wealth of experience in determining and maintaining a quality flavour profile.

GOZO chocolate is made with true single-origin, classified Cacoa Fino de Aroma from family owned Luker Chocolate, Colombia. .... Only 8% of the worlds chocolate supply can claim their cocoa tastes this good!


Introducing Will Richardon, GOZO illustrator

To introduce Will Richardson; Northumberland based artist, specialising in illustration and the creative talent behind the joyful GOZO designs.

For the GOZO packaging brief Will wanted to personify the experience of enjoying each chocolate flavour through a different character and colourway to depict joy. The resulting brand created is something very different in the crowded chocolate market and will ensure that GOZO really stands out from the crowd.


The Chocolate Dream

There is no ‘badge’ nor one size fits all approach to sustainability. Every cocoa farmer, every farm, every community face their own set of unique challenges. Growing climates, soil composition, water resources, biodiversity all of which present different challenges for communities.

That’s why Luker proudly ‘Go Beyond Sustainability’ with their 'Chocolate Dream' programme.


Bringing joy is in our nature

GOZO is created by a small, family manufacturer, based in the famously generous North East of England, UK. We are passionate about bringing back a traditional artisan approach to confectionery and have a close relationship with our Colombian chocolate supplier Luker, also a family business, based on shared beliefs and behaviours.